Monday, January 21, 2008

How To Improve Your English

1. Understand Why You Must Learn English!
English is a widely used language today. In its spoken and written forms, many people around the world use English to communicate with one another. It is also the working language in most countries.

You may wonder, "Why do I have to learn English"? After all, I’m not a native English speaker and I love my own language.
By learning English you will have more oportunities in life.

2. Learn To Appreciate And Love The Language!
English is an interesting and, some may say, beautiful language. It is very lively because you can express the same idea in more than one way.
It is useful, though not necessary, to appreciate and love the English language if you want to master it. This principle applies to all other languages. If you appreciate and love the language, you will find that you will be more motivated to learn it.

3. The first step in learning English is listening. Research studies have shown that humans learn languages by listening, speaking, reading and writing, in that order.
The right places to start listening in English include radio programs, television programs and movies.

4. Second Step In Learning English - Speaking
Like the baby who speaks after listening to its parents speak, you should also begin speaking in English once you have started listening to those radio programs, television programs and movies. If you’re taking your first steps in learning English, try to speak along as the radio presenter, newscaster or movie actor speaks.

You may sound awkward at first, but so did you when you started speaking when you were a baby! Be bold and repeat the lines that the radio presenter, newscaster or movie actor has just spoken. If you are shy, do it in your own privacy. If possible, speak into a recorder and then playback to find out how you sound!

Continue to listen and speak in English in the same manner above for a period of time. Once you are ready, try to speak in English to a family member, friend, classmate or colleague who can speak good English. They may have difficulties understanding you at first, but don’t give up. If you don’t want others to give up on you, never give up on yourself first!

4. Third Step In Learning English - Reading
In the same way, once you have learnt how to speak English comfortably, the next step is to learn how to read in English. Get a storybook, a newspaper, a magazine or any other material that is written in English by a qualified English writer. If you’ve just started learning how to read in English, get a short one!

You would also need help from a family member, friend, classmate or colleague who can read in English.

As you read, observe how each English sentence is constructed. At the same time, recall how the radio presenters, newscasters or movie actors have spoken in English. Recall how you and your family members, friends, classmates and colleagues have spoken in English too.

As you progress in your reading skills, shift your focus from observing the English sentence structure to understanding what you are reading. This is important because without comprehension, you will not be able to proceed to the fourth step in learning English – composition.

6. Fourth Step In Learning English - Writing
So now that you can listen, speak and read in English, what next? Well, you have to be able to pen in English.Make routine to write everyday you will see how quikly your writing skills will improve.